Thursday, 16 July 2015

Different kinds of Animals

Okay here we go, Lets get started. There are different kinds of animals by the way depending on the criterion for identification and classification.

If you're just starting to learn about animals and wildlife, a good first step is to gain an understanding of the basic groups of animals. Although scientists identify many groups of animals, it helps to keep things simple at first. So this article focuses on these basic groups to begin with. These basic animal groups include: amphibiansbirdsfish,invertebratesmammals, and reptiles. When you have a understanding of these groups, you'll be on your way to grasping the basic characteristics of virtually every animal on the planet. However for convenience I will briefly discuss them on under the following endings because the truth the truth is some of the groups are actually overlapping.

Mammals : Mammals have the following major characteristics 

·         body covered by hair or fur
·         warm-blooded
·         have a backbone
·         produce milk 

Reptiles : They have the following general characteristics

·         body covered by scales
·         cold-blooded
·         have a backbone
·         most lay hard shelled eggs on land

Birds : they have the following general characteristics
          body covered by feathers
·         warm-blooded
·         have a backbone
·         lay eggs

Insects : Insect have the following general characteristics  
           most are small air-breathing animals
·         6 legs
·         2 antennae
·         3 body sections (head, thorax, abdomen)
·         also termed arachnids
·         8 legs
·         8 eyes
·         they spin webs

Aquatic Animals : Aquatic animals have the following general characteristics though some aquatic animals may also fall into the mammals group.
           most have gills
·         found in lakes, rivers, and oceans

See you tomorrow as we consider another area, your comment will be appreciated if you found this post useful and don’t forget to share it as well…

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